We are now into our fourth week of Writing Time, and I have to say that I really LOVE it!! I'm posting a piece of poetic prose ( alliteration, girls!) from Ingrid Hollis here, as she has so cleverly painted the magic of Writing Time for us with words. I really couldn't have described it so well, and am delighted that Ingrid took it on to do so. Thanks you, Ingrid!! (Mars Drum)
My Poem by Ingrid Hollis
"The sun is shining very brightly on me. And the people around me are very quiet, and are writing very hard. Edie has just come, but is getting in the mood very quickly! Sian has just come as well, and that makes six people here now, including Marie. It's so lovely to be able to spend time outside in the sun, and be able to write, without any distractions!
I have just finished my cordial, and so has everyone else.
Edie has a hat that is cream-corn colour. I really like it.
The paper I'm writing on is white. The same colour as our cordial mugs.
The sun has been shining on us for about forty minutes.
I have just seen a magpie, I expect it is looking for some food/water/sunlight.
It has just flown away.
It has just flown away.
I don't know why.
There are a lot of plants around me. It is a very beautiful scene! There is a very big tree next to me, I think it's a bit dried up. It is the same colour as the trees around it. The sun is slowly going down.
I have just gone inside.
So that is the end of my poem!